

This category contains 3 posts

Android Platform Distribution: GingerBread Leads, ICS on 3%

Google released the relative number of active devices running a given version of the Android platform. This list can help developers understand the landscape of device distribution and decide how to prioritize the development of the application features for the devices currently in the hands of users. The list is based on data collected during … Continue reading

Google’s Android Emulator: Installation

So, several days ago, we posted article about updates SDK Tools and ADT in Development area. Now, we are going to post about how to install the Android Emulator from Google. But, there are several system requirements you have to fulfilled first.

New Update on SDK Tools and ADT Revision 17

Last week, Android Developer Team released update for SDK Tools and Eclipse Plugin. Revision 17 brings a lot of new features and bug fixes in various areas such as Lint, the build system as well as the emulator. Lint is a static checker which analyzes Android projects for a variety of issues around correctness, security, … Continue reading